SUSTAINABILITY - things we’ve done so far
We have been working on four main areas. However, if you think we can do better in any of them, let us know in the comment section below.
1. Work directly with farmers
We partners with farming collectives in India to procure raw materials from them.
2. Proper Ingredients
Lentils and Chickpeas have a lower carbon footprint than protein from animal sources.
3. Supporting Local
We directly and indirectly employ more than 400 women in India and Malaysia.
4. Problem of packaging
The biggest problem in our industry is finding packaging that is recyclable but also maintains shelf life. Our solution (by no means perfect) is to reduce the non recyclable parts to 5%. We (and the whole industry) need to do better.
5. Collaboration with Shiok Meats
Uncle Saba’s Poppadoms and Shiok Meats collaborate to develop Poppadom Chips with Cultivated Shrimp Seasoning Powder.
But this isn’t enough.
If you think we can do better in any of the initiatives mentioned above, please let us know. If there is a better way to source raw materials or if there is a new packaging material we should look into, send us a message below.